
As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” —Matthew 19:14, NIV

Northbrook Covenant greatly values the spiritual formation of its children! We also affirm and celebrate the unique gifts that children of all different ages bring to the mission of the whole church.  We believe that children not only have a place in the future of the church but they are an integral part of the church right now!  

Worship on Sunday Mornings

Our collective worship service begins at 10:30 AM where our whole church worships together as one. We have a special space in our sanctuary called The Pray-Ground that is specifically for kids/families. About halfway through the service—following a Mutual Blessing—children aged preschool through 5th grade are invited to Kids’ Sunday School. This is where we focus on learning about God and the Bible in a way just suited to us! 

Kids’ Sunday School is always led by two background-checked adult volunteers. Parents/guardians are invited to collect their children following the service (around 11:30 or 11:40 AM).

On Communion Sundays (first Sunday of every month), Sunday School volunteers and children will return to the sanctuary for the opportunity to receive communion—upon the discretion of parents/guardians. For more information about communion at our church, see FAQs below.

our Pray-ground

It’s so important to us that everyone feels included in our worship! That’s why we have our Pray-Ground—a section of our sanctuary with a little table and chairs (for little people) and different sensory ways to engage in our worship: song lyrics for coloring, children’s bulletins, and worship ribbons. Kids and families, come as you are and make yourself at home here!

Learn more about the role of Pray-Grounds for children in worship HERE.

resources / quick links

A resource hub for all things faith and Family Ministries-related:

Frequently asked questions

Questions? Want to chat? Contact our Pastor of Worship and Family Ministries, Rachel Johnson, or call 847-272-8761.

  • We love the sound of kids in our service! God put the wiggle in children—don’t feel like you have to suppress it in God’s house. You and your kids are welcome in our worship service. But if you need to leave or would feel more comfortable taking your kids out of the sanctuary for a break, we have a room equipped with toys and a TV to watch the service. Ask one of our ushers to show you the way.

  • No—take a break as you need or feel comfortable. Kids’ Sunday School begins about halfway through our worship service.

  • Our communion table is open to all who believe and profess faith in Jesus Christ. No one has to be a member of our church to participate. So children are welcome to take communion upon the discretion of their parents/guardians. On communion Sundays (first Sunday of every month) Sunday School volunteers will return with the kids into the sanctuary for the opportunity to participate in communion. If you have more questions about communion and its meaning, please reach out to our Lead Pastor, José González

  • Check out our youth ministry page!

  • Your kids’ safety is our top priority. For that reason, all our Family Ministry and Sunday School volunteers are background checked and have completed Illinois’ DCFS training. Kids are supervised at all times by two background checked adults. 

  • Reach out to Rachel, our Pastor of Worship and Family Ministries. She’d love to talk to you!