
Small groups are one way our people here at Northbrook Covenant support each other in our journey of faith and connect to our larger community. Each group is unique so feel free to contact a group leader and ask them about the group to see if it might be a good fit.

Throughout the year there might be one or more small groups which meet to study the Bible, to learn and discuss a topical series, or simply to gather and have fellowship. Check back here periodically for current groups. For the most up-to-date information about current small group offerings, reach out to Pastor José

Winter 2025 Groups

  • Let's journey together (women's small group)

    “Let’s Journey Together” is a small group for women that started in Fall 2024. Each session we go through a few pages of My Faith Story by Shanna Noel. My Faith Story is a book/journal for documenting your faith walk in a totally personalized way. Come and join us as we craft and share stories of our faith together!

    Register to attend

    We will start up our group in January 2025 with a special session on Saturday, January 18 from 9:30 11:30 AM. Then beginning Wednesday, February 12 we will meet every other week until Wednesday, May 21. Each time the group meets there will be two sessions available: the morning session is 9:30 – 11 AM and the evening session is 6:00 7:30 PM. All sessions meet at the church in the Fellowship Hall.

    Download the full schedule here

    If you have any questions please contact Beth Olson ( or Olga Vasquez (

  • Faith & politics small group

    What does following Jesus have to do with politics? This small group returns Thursday, February 6 at 6 PM. Meet at the church.

    Election season has passed but we still live in a world where our faith interacts with various civic issues. We'll continue exploring how we can do that by watching a brief video and discussing what it means for our lives and the church. 

    If you are interested in joining this small group, please reach out to Pastor José so you can be added to the email list and updates. We hope to see you there!